[bgware] Announcing ezmlm-browse version 0.13
Kyle Wheeler
2008-09-23 20:59:37 UTC
Could the next version of ezmlm-browse be modified to handle non-UTF-8
messages, and to correctly convert things (e.g. via iconv)? Currently,
the charset handling is pretty awful. Take, for example, this:

The original message was in the windows-1252 charset (relatively
common). The entire page is tagged as UTF-8, but the message contents
are transmitted unchanged from the original, which means they're
mis-tagged. Any browser that looks at that will choke, because all the
non-ascii characters must be considered (at best) malformed utf-8
characters. Since the message is already tagged as utf-8, all that
needs to happen is ezmlm-browse should actually convert the messages
from their labeled character sets into valid utf-8.

I like to keep an open mind, but not so open my brains fall out.
-- Arthur Sulzberger, NY Times chairman